April 1997 The Action Pack Icon Collection - Vol. 1 Introduction: I recently contracted a disease... Xenaitis. I started watching the program one day in March and instead of changing the channel five minutes into the show, I kept watching. From that moment on I was hooked. The Xena episode I happened to catch was "A Day in the Life" and man was it GOOD! So began my acent into the fandom of the Xenaverse (the Xena universe). I went to the web to look up everything I could find about the warrior princess. I found episode guides, pictures, stories, sounds and more. I made up my mind right there to put my icon talents to work and pump out a set of icons based on Xena (and later on Hercules as well). It was difficult at first due to the fact that this is my first set of icons based on references of real people and not cartoons or made-up creations. Its tough capturing the "look" of someone, especially in a 32x32 square. As you'll see in the set, some icons capture the look better than others... especially Gabrielle and Herc. Watch for more icons based on these two shows in the near future. Legality: The enclosed icons are based on characters from MCA's Action Pack televison series and are copyright ©1998 MCA Universal Pictures. The icons are original artwork from the author and are NOT INTENDED to infringe on the copyrights of MCA Universal Pictures. These icons can only be distributed as freeware. You may not charge fees or request compensation OF ANY KIND and the read-me file must accompany the set at all times. By downloading this file you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this agreement. How To make Use of the Icons: 1. You need system 7 or higher. 2. Do a "Get Info" (File menu) on the original Action Pack icon file that you want to use. 3. Click on the icon in the window; choose "Copy" (Edit menu). 4. Close the window, then "Get Info" on destination file/disk. 5. Click on the icon, choose "Paste" (Edit menu). 6. Don't forget to e-mail me and let me know what you think! Contact: Gedeon Maheux - gedeonM@aol.com The Iconfactory - webmaster@iconfactory.com More Stuff for your Mac: For the ultimate collection of kick butt icons for the Macintosh, my friends and I have created a place called The Iconfactory. The Iconfactory has quickly established itself as the premiere web page for Macintosh icons. If your tired of looking for quality icons for your Mac, but only finding junk, then The Iconfactory is for you! We would love to have you add The Iconfactory to your list of bookmarks. The URL is: http://www.iconfactory.com If desktop patterns are more your cup of tea, then you'll want to visit The DeskStop: 3D Desktop Patterns for your Mac. My girlfriend, Mindy and I have started the site as a one- stop source for cool, dimensional textures for use on the web, with 3D modeling software or just on your Mac's desktop. Drop by The DeskStop today at: http://members.aol.com/deskstop/index.html Thanks: I wanted to say thanks to a key person, my best friend and girlfriend Mindy who puts up with me making icons all the time, instead of paying attention to her like I oughta be! I would also like to say thanks to all my former co-workers at networkMCI. They are without doubt, the most talented and creative group of people I've ever worked with. I miss them dearly.